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Electronic devices for autistic children. Are they good for autistic children and how to limit their

Screens can be incredibly useful for autistic people, and my brother Andy is no exception. He loves playing games and watching YouTube on the computer or tablet, and it's become one of his favourite activities. On the one hand, this is great, as screens provide a fun and stimulating way for him to learn and grow. On the other hand, it's important to limit the amount of time he spends on screens, as too much can lead to negative impacts on his health and wellbeing. For children with autism, in particular, poor sleeping habits are a common problem and screen time can aggravate the sleeping problems. As this article suggests, autistic brains appear to be especially vulnerable to negative effects of electronic screens. To ensure he is getting the most out of his screen time and avoiding potential pitfalls, there are several strategies that can be implemented to limit it. For example, setting a timer when he starts playing can remind him to stop after a certain amount of time, and only allowing him to play on certain days can help him to stick to a schedule. Additionally, encouraging other activities, for Andy outdoor activities particularly water-based activities , can help him to find balance and prevent him from becoming overly reliant on screens. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to limit my brother's screen time hinges on understanding the pros and cons of technology, as well as finding the right balance that works for him.

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Tommy Horkin
Tommy Horkin
Mar 16, 2023

Screens can provide an easy distraction and even become addictive for people with autism, leading to an overreliance on technology which can have a negative impact on their development. It is all too easy to let autistic children rely on screens, as they provide a convenient solution that allows families to take a break from the challenges of living with an autistic child. While screens may be seen as a short-term panacea, they are not a long-term solution for the child or the family and offer only respite. It is all too easy to give into the temptation of screens, much like it is to give a child candy when they won't eat, but the consequences for both are no…

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